…how to escape the pressure— the pressing to death— of a complex and momentous decision but by fantasizing that all is well and then jumping blind out of a sixth-story window— without even glancing down to see if there’s a net and five guys holding it, looking up, mouths ajar, waiting? So, encased in false optimism layered like the linen binding around a mummy and after intricate postponements, I shrug ‘what the hell?’ into a decision to regret later at length and at leisure: the house purchase, the life partner, the doctor, or the inept facility in which my agéd parent will choke to death without my understanding what was going on or calling in time for help for help
About the Poet:
Lynn D. Gilbert's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Arboreal, Blue Unicorn (Pushcart nomination), Consequence, Footnote, The Good Life Review, Light, The MacGuffin, Ponder Review, Qu Literary Journal, Sheepshead Review, and elsewhere. Her poetry volume has been a finalist in the Gerald Cable and Off the Grid Press book contests. A founding editor of Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, she lives in an Austin suburb and reviews poetry submissions for Third Wednesday journal.