"Dream" 15x15" Japanese fabric, monoprint, chine colle, rice paper,
Slavic trim, hand embroidery
"Moongleam Renewal" 18x15" Linen, wool, beads, chiffon, monoprint, hand
"New Beginnings" 8x13" Japanese silk, cottons, recycled fabric flowers,
beads, silver thread
"The Flight of Rain" 12x15" Indigo, monoprint, hand embroidery, vintage
lace, Japanese fabric, beads
About the Artist
Cindy Rinne creates fiber art and writes in San Bernardino, CA. A Pushcart nominee. Her poems have appeared in literary journals, anthologies, art exhibits, and dance performances. Author of: The Feather Ladder (Picture Show Press), Words Become Ashes: An Offering (Bamboo Dart Press), Today in the Forest with Toti O’Brien (Moonrise Press), and others. Her poetry appeared in: The Journal of Radical Wonder, Mythos Magazine, Verse-Virtual, and others. www.fiberverse.com
Stunning! I wish I could see them in person. 💙