Ekphrastic poetry by Sarah Wyman
Based on 'Nocturne in Grey and Silver' by J. M. Whistler, 1973
Based on Nocturne in Grey and Silver, by J. M. Whistler (1973)
This is the place of knowing of stilled life of the meeting missed on purpose knowledge of the thick band that binds us together whether we show up or let the minutes amble by in their watery way, melting into wasted hours or forgotten moments when a daze frosts the day warmly and we remember to move an elbow, stir in the seat so we don’t turn to rivers ourselves sliding through dusk into night by a misted window that waits for us, then watches as we stream by sleepy with that uprooted knot weighing enough to keep us earthen and alone.
About the Poet:
Sarah Wyman lives in the Hudson Valley where she writes and teaches about literature and the visual art. She co-facilitates the Sustainability Faculty Learning Community at SUNY New Paltz and teaches poetry workshops at Shawangunk Prison. Her poetry has appeared in aaduna, Mudfish, Ekphrasis, San Pedro River Review, Potomac Review, Lightwood, Heron Clan XI, A Slant of Light: Contemporary Women Poets of the Hudson Valley, and other venues. Two books as well: Sighted Stones (FLP 2018) and Fried Goldfinch (Codhill 2021).